Consumer Complaints Tips - read before making complaints!

I’ve some useful ideas which I’ve myself experienced in my life, you can save some of your hassles while you make any consumer complaint.

Rule 1: Don’t be lazy

Act now! Register your complaint immediately. Usually a product breaks down just one day before when the warranty expires!

How to Share or Complaint an issue to PM?

How to share your views to Prime Minister or How to raise complaint to Prime Minister

  • Firstly visit the site

Bank of Baroda Consumer Complaints Procedure

If you are having any complaint about Banking Services of Bank of Baroda, do following:

Level- 1

Register your complaint.

Visit the Branch and contact the Branch Manager for immediate solution. Remember to obtain its acknowledgement and complaint reference number.

South Indian Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you are facing any complaints with any branch of South Indian Bank, contact the Branch Manager and give your complaint for its solution on same day.

If your complaint is not solved at branch level, do following:

Kotak Mahindra Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you are not satisfied with any of the branches of Kotak Mahindra Bank, do following:

Level 1

File and register your complaint using any medium from the following :

Bharatiya Mahila Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you are not satisfied with the services or have any complaint with any branch of Bharatiya Mahila Bank, do following:
  1. You can file your complaint by:
    • registering in Complaint form available with the branch Or
    • telephone at the Registered office or to the Branch Manager.
  2. Contact the Branch Manager and give your complaint. Remember to obtain its acknowledgement and reference number.

Central Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you have any complaints with the service of any branch of Central Bank of India, do following:

Syndicate Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you have any complaints or greivances to be solved with any branches of Syndicate bank, do following:

Step 1

Contact the Branch Manager for immediate solution of your complaint.

Step 2

If your complaint is not solved and satisfactory reply is not received from Branch Manager, you can contact the concerned Regional Manager (RM) at Regional office.

Punjab Sind Bank Consumer Complaint Procedure

If you have any complaint with any branch of Punjab and Sind Bank, do following:

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